About Me

A solution-oriented programmer with modern skill set || Passionate about Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Full Stack Web Development

  • Python
    Used it for data driven AI & ML programs, streamlit for quick web-app.
  • C++, DSA
    Core concepts of Computer Science.
  • HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS
    Used it's latest features to build this website, Control of Different themes.
  • JavaScript, ThreeJs, ReactJs, NodeJs, ReactThreeFiber
    Used it's features to build 3D interactive website.
  • MySQL
    Used it's features to build a Hostel Management System.

My Services

3D Interactive Websites

ThreeJs, ReactJs, ReactThreeFiber

Product Design/Animation

Blender3D, Video Editing

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My Work

Code Help Clone

It is website clone of thecodehelp.in made using ReactJs and TailwindCSS.

3D PortFolio

It is my portfolio that is built using ThreeJs, ReactJs and ReactThreeFiber.

News Monkey

A ReactJs based website that gives latest news using API calls.

3D Text Website

Used ThreeJs to build the website and GLSL for shading it.

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